With this sculpture, I wanted to capture the element of solitude and danger from both points of view. Here we have a modern day Marine Sniper with the infamous tool of the Marine Sharpshooter, the M40A5.
Over Run is based on a friend of mine, Sheldon Lasky, and his personal experience at the Chosin Reservoir during the Korean War. He was a light machine gunner and squad leader in Item Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, 1st Marine Division. Sheldon and his Company were dug [...]
Suribachi’s Summit
Depicted after the famous photograph from WWII and the 7th Bond Tour, icon, I tried to mirror the event and give life to a “Snapshot in Time”, of one of the most famous photos in the world. After many hours of research and endless period of viewing the [...]
What is it to be driven? I’m not talking about cars or being pushed into a situation out of your control, but to really be driven by a passion inside to the core. A creative drive so to speak, a point where if not released you can be irritable and a [...]